
Fillable Legal Document Templates

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Legal Documents and Contracts Online

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Divorce & Separation​

Outline the arrangements and terms of the separation, such as basic rights and responsibilities, to protect each spouse.


Take an oath to validate the truth of a condition, situation, or agreement.

Child Custody​

Lay out the agreements of how parents will co-parent their child in terms of custody, health, education, and support.

Power of Attorney

Authorize a third party to represent or act on behalf of another person in legal matters, whether personal and business.

Marriage/Civil Unions​

Stipulate the terms of marriage and civil union and establish the responsibilities of each individual for legal security.

Adoption & Surrogacy​

Outline the expectations and limitations of adoption and surrogacy to guide the parties involved in the agreement.

Property Settlements​

Determine the division of finances and assets of spouses and outline their responsibilities when a divorce is final.

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I no longer need to create financial documents from scratch, all thanks to LegalDocMaker. It has become my go-to website for all my legal document needs.
Wilma A. Russell
LegalDocMaker is accessible and absolutely easy to use. It saves me a lot of time! Philip A. Jacobs, Lawyer
Philip A. Jacobs